Banking services for international employees

A girl is showing on the laptop screen for an old man.

Credits: Markus Pentikäinen / Keksi

December 30, 2024 — December 31, 2023
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Join International Recruitment Webinar Series in Finnish aiming at employers. Part 2: Banking services for an international employee 11/13/2023

International recruitment webinar series

The four-part International Recruitment webinar series covers the recruitment of international employees. During the webinar series, you will learn about hiring international employees, banking services, residence permits and the right to work.


The webinar series is aimed at employers and companies. The webinar series is in Finnish


The second part of the webinar series deals with banking services for an international employee. In the webinar, we will go over what an international employee moving to Finland needs before the opening of banking services and what OP's service path is like for an international employee moving to Finland. The webinar is organized in cooperation with Uusimaa OP. 


More information can be found here.